As became habitual in this hostel, I
woke up feeling like I was in the tropics - only this time a beach as, coupled
with the sweat, I was covered in what felt like sand. The sweat was, of course,
courtesy of the "bread sauna" masquerading as our dorm, but the
gritty substance covering my body was courtesy of the remnants of the giant
packet of biscuits I had devoured when I collapsed into bed hours before. I
didn’t actually remember this, but Kaitlyn informed me that, after being
essentially carried to bed by Ned, I made him rummage around my shell because,
‘I simply cannot even contemplate slumber until I have eaten some biscuits’. At
least I am an articulate drunk. It was quite late when we awoke and, by the
time I had washed the biscuit beach from my bruised body, breakfast would have
been well and truly picked-over, so we decided to cut our losses and hit up the
Having not had to pay for food since
arriving in Kraków (with the exception of the early-morning kebab), we quickly
discovered that, while the local grocery stores are resplendent with grog,
unless cured meats are your thing, they’re not awash with food. So we decided
to embark on the semi-ambitious trek to hit up the Carrefour. If you aren’t
familiar with Carrefour, I feel sorry for you. They’re a chain of hypermarkets
across Europe and Asia and…welI I was going to describe them as Costcos where
you don’t have to buy in bulk to save, but that is a horrible description which
doesn’t make any sense. They are HUGE, have everything you could ever want, are
dirt cheap and, perhaps best of all, have the greatest slogans of all time. I
first became aware of Carrefours' ridiculous phrasing years ago when I was in
France and, since then, have become an avid Googler of their campaigns. (How on
earth am I still single?) I used to think that, given they originate in French,
the translation might be what makes them so bad. It’s not – they’re ridiculous
in every language. My current favourites are “It’s good for you”, “Energy
Wise”and “Nobody does better than the first” (because that makes sense). The
Polish one is quite amazing also: “Positively every day”, which I guess is
significantly better than “Negatively some days”.
Anyway, we spent about an hour in the
Carrefour browsing the aisles and filling our baskets (and scribing the signs
so I could translate their slogans), eventually heading back to the hostel. By
the time we got back, most of our pub crawl crew had emerged and were nursing
sore heads and guzzling water downstairs. Javier was the first to speak, asking
us if we’d ‘had a nice walk’. I can only assume he followed us at some point.
Creep. We joined everyone and commenced the always-enjoyable Morning After
Debrief. I was particularly looking forward to this one as there were several
hundred minutes of my night unaccounted for. Unfortunately, no one else was much
help in this department. Robert Downey Asshole commented that he left us all
dancing when he departed the club with ‘A stunning Polish lass’. I think he
said this because he wanted us all to know that he left with a woman (who I
still believe was as real as Pamela Anderson’s boobs), however it backfired
because it gave Kaitlyn a chance to call him on his assholery regarding her
dancing. ‘I wasn’t dancing.’
‘You said you left us all dancing.
But I wasn’t, because according to you I “can’t dance” and I’m “fat”.’
‘That’s what you said – that I’m fat,
can’t dance and,’pointing at me, ‘my tits are smaller than her’s’.
‘Well that’s true! They are.’ IDIOT. Even Ned looked at him with an
expression of disdain.‘Look, I tend to say the opposite of things. So, if
someone is ugly, I say they’re pretty.’ Logical. ‘Look. I just wanted to bring
you down a peg.’
‘Why? Why did I need to be “brought
down a peg”? It wasn’t as if I was telling everyone how hot I am, or what an
amazing dancer I am.’
‘Everyone needs to be brought down.
Even you.’
‘That’s ridiculous. Even so, what
you’re saying is that I’m not fat, and I can dance?’
‘No, you can’t dance. At least, not
as well as me. But mum and dad made us all take dance classes when we were
younger, so it’s not your fault I’m better.’ Foot in mouth.
Speaking of one body part in another,
this was about the time Scorsese and Dick-to-Face appeared. Lucky for us, he
had not forgotten his promise of showing us an “awesome” clip he had taken the
night before. 'Youse all ready for this?'
‘Not really.’ And nice to know your
grammar is just as terrible when you’re sober. I don’t think a person with an
IQ in double-digits could ever be ready to experience a visual depiction of “Dick
To Face”. It really is the most literal “thing” ever, and still to this day,
sometimes when I close my eyes I can still see Dick hovering over some poor
man, his appendage agonizingly sharp and well-lit thanks to Scorsese’s
practised camera-work and his iPhone 4’s camera.
‘Isn’t that SICK?!’ He obviously
meant "sick" not in the literal sense, but as a synonym for
"tremendous". I was honestly able to agree that it was, indeed, very
sick. Literally. “But this is NOTHIN’ compared to the shit I got this morning.
Youse are gonna DIE.’ Certainly possible, yes. Apparently the two of them along
with Yeast Infection went even harder than the rest of us on the crawl and
hadn’t arrived home until around eight o’clock that morning. While I assumed
this had given them hours and hours to seek out faces to “dick”, it turns out
they actually have a few other skills in their repertoire. Not surprisingly,
this one also involved them dropping their pants, but it had a somewhat karmic
end from which I must admit I derived a sense of satisfied pleasure.
‘We was in the square this morning
and there was this hobo passed out near the clock. We was gonna try to Dick-to-Face”
him, but he (Dick) was scared he was gonna catch something from the dirty
hobo.’ Somehow, I think the “hobo” was just as likely to catch something too.
‘Anyways, we didn’t do it.’ Shame.‘But we did do something!’ Yay.
‘We realised it was like mornin’ and
people were everywhere walkin’ to work. We couldn’t really Dick-to-Face them,
but we could Dick them.’ I was going to point out that ‘dick’ isn’t actually a
verb, but I realised they were unlikely to appreciate a discussion on the
syntax of modern English. I am unsure whether Dick loses interest in dropping
his pants when it doesn’t involved hanging it in someone’s face, but in the
video he seemed not overly interested, and instead we were subjected to the
naked bottom half of Yeast Infection. I have to give props to Scorsese here,
because, despite the gratuitous nudity, the clip was first-class. In broad daylight
in the middle of the town square, Yeast Infection drops his pants as several
people walk by. Suddenly he mistakes one for a cop (it was actually a garbage
man) and, takes off running. Only, in his inebriated state (one could argue he
is dumb enough to do it sober), failed to pull his pants up first. So he starts
running but only makes it a few metres before he trips, tries to right himself,
and he nearly does, only to stumble into this huge pile of garbage bags where
he ends up doing a spectacular backwards somersault and skids a good six metres
across the concrete on his bare arse. And keep in mind this is a square dating
back to the 13th Century – no smooth, sealed concrete here, people. Slapstick
and naked men (with the exception of Ryan Gosling and Christian Bale) are not
things I go out of my way to watch on film, but I watched this clip at least a
dozen times. I haven’t even noticed The Other One (Bogan 4) sitting there, but
his quiet observation of ‘Sucked in,’ reinforced that he was definitely my
While we were watching the clip for
the sixth time, Yeast Infection hobbled his was into the kitchen. I thought he
might be a little red-faced over the whole incident, but he squeezed himself
onto the couch in-between Kaitlyn and me and watched with as much enthusiasm as
the rest of us. ‘I haven’t seen it yet. Is it good?’ His reaction coupled with
his vigorous high-fiving of Scorsese suggests that it was one of the proudest
moments of his life. ‘Fuckin’ stellar, mate.’ Then, without any warning
whatsoever, jumped up off the couch and dropped his pants, showing us all his
“battle-wound”. I never hated being short more in my life that at moment, where
my eye-line was perfectly matched up to his very bare, very bloody, very
disgusting arse. Fortunately, the pants went back up pretty fast because, “We
gotta get going. Off to that place today.”
‘That one youse were talkin’ ‘bout
last night. Ost-witch’
‘Yeah. Goin’ there with my shorts
rubbing on this thing–at least I’ll be feeling the same kinda pain what those
guys felt.’ Yes, because a self-inflicted buttock-graze is definitely
comparable to starvation, forced labour, infectious disease and medical
experiments. My GOD. And with that, they were gone. (In case you were wondering,
Bogan Daddy was absent as he was ‘upstairs Skypin’ his missus’. Small mercies.)
The tour was really quite long, and
we didn’t end up getting back to the hostel until dinner time. Our arrival
coincided with the arrival of The Bogans. Auschwitz was discussed, but I am not
going to write about any of their comments as most of them lacked any decency
whatsoever. Having said that, it was during this conversation that I came to
realise these guys weren’t trying to be arrogant, obnoxious bigots – they were
merely gross, juvenile guys who simply didn't get it.
The next day we were going to
Auschwitz and, given that we were going to have to get up around 5.45am in
order to make it to the bus in time, we had intentions of an early night
sans-alcohol. Instead, we decided to walk into town after dinner for ice-cream.
Ned and Robert Downey Asshole had an early train to catch, and decided to join
us. I was more than happy to spend time with Ned as I loved him, but RDA’s
presence was less than desirable. Having said that, he was on his best
behaviour, and I would estimate only 50% of what came out of his mouth was rude
and insulting. (The other 50% was narcissistic, but it was an improvement.) We
returned home as the pub crawl was leaving, running into Javier who had
apparently spent the last ninety minutes wondering where we had gone. ‘I would
have come with you!’ This is why we didn’t tell you where we were going.
Unsurprisingly, Kaitlyn and I found ourselves in a completely empty "bread
sauna" at the early hour. Looking forward to a decent night sleep we
crawled into bed and set our alarms for 5.45am.
However, it was not my alarm which
woke me up, instead a Goddamn solar eclipse. At least, that’s what I thought it
was when I roused, only to realise one of our roomies had come back in and
turned the main light on. Looking at my phone I realised it was only 1.30, so I
rolled over and tried to get back to sleep. That’s when I became aware of an
irritating female giggle. Kaitlyn and I were the only girls in our dorm, so my
interest was momentarily piqued. Just before the light was turned back off, I
managed to get a glimpse of the trespasser, and recognised her as an American
girl I’d seen around.
I didn’t really care that she was in
our room (it’s a hostel…and people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones), but
I DID care that she was being so freaking loud. Especially because she had a
reallyirritating voice – think Janice from Friends
crossed with Fran Drescher. ‘Oh my GOD! It is soooooo hot in here.’ Then leave.
‘Ohhh!!!! Are you on a TOP bunk?! I think I’m too drunk to get up there!
Hehehe.’ Then leave. ‘Oh! There are people in here.’ Yeah, and we’re
trying to sleep. LEAVE! She wasn’t even trying to be quiet, even after she made
the Sherlockean observation that there were people in the room. To his credit,
the guy did try and get her to be quiet…and not just with his hand, if you know
what I mean. Yes, this was my first experience of hostel dorm sex.
(Regrettably, not my last.)
The girl was loud when she was
talking, so you can imagine she wasn’t exactly quiet in the throes of passion.
At first I was thinking, ‘It’s okay, just let them do it, and go back to
sleep,’. This is hard to do when it sounds like there’s a sumo wrestling match
going on and one of them is in the midst of a heart attack. Still, I let it go.
When I checked my phone and saw it was 2.00am, I started to toss around as
loudly as possible, hoping they would suddenly remember there was someone there
and just STOP ALREADY. Nope. Also unsuccessful was my coughing. When it hit
2.30am I was done, and turned on the light next to my bed. I sat up, and looked
over, and the two of them paused mid….the two of them paused, looked at me, and
then got right back to it. Seriously. What I still find mesmerising is that not
one other person in the dorm was aware of this. Each and every one of them
slept through it, including Kaitlyn who was on the bunk directly below
It took me a long time after that to
get back to sleep, but I swear I was just drifting off when I was again awoken
by something which wasn’t my alarm. Again, it was a voice, only this time a
male one. You know when people – usually drunk ones –are trying to be quiet and
“whisper”, only their whisper is no softer in volume, simply of different
tonality to their loud voice? Well that is exactly what this guy was doing. He
went up to one guy in the dorm and shook him awake, ‘HAVE YOU SEEN MY USB?’
‘OKAY.’ He then reached up and shook
awake the guy on the bunk above. ‘HEY. HAVE YOU GOT MY USB?’
‘HAVE YOU GOT MY USB?’ Guy number two
also hadn’t seen the USB. No worries, maybe guy number three had. ‘HEY! HAVE
‘NO. PISS OFF.’ Not evenly slightly
discouraged, he tried guy number four.
number four was proving hard to rouse. More vigorous shaking. ‘HEY.MAN. HAVE
YOU GOT MY USB?’ Number four did not have his USB. Next, he came over to me and
started shaking me.‘HAVE YOU GOT MY USB?’ I had several things I wanted to say,
including the fact he probably didn’t need his USB at five in the morning.
Instead, I stuck with the obvious, ‘I don’t know you.’ He stared at me for a
second.‘YEAH. BUT HAVE YOU SEEN MY USB?’ The guy on the bunk above me told him
in no uncertain terms where he could stick his USB if he were to ever find it.
Then it was Kaitlyn, who told him similar things. I’m not sure if he tried
Shaggy and Janice, because I astoundingly managed to fall back asleep.
The next time I woke up was to my
alarm. As we made our way out of the hostel to walk to the bus, I wasn’t in the
least bit surprised to find Javier shadowing us. ‘Oh! We all going together!
This will be fun.’ As with the Jewish walking tour, I am not going to write
anything here about Auschwitz. I will be writing about it, because it’s part of
our trip and something I want to write about and feel I should. However, it
doesn’t fit in here in the middle of this.

That night drinks were definitely in
order, but a small group of us decided a pub crawl didn’t really seem
appropriate, and instead decided to head to Kazimierz. Over dinner at the
hostel, those of us who had been to Auschwitz were quietly discussing our
reactions when, with their typically impeccable timing, the Bogans came in.
Yeast Infection quickly realised there were people who hadn’t seen his graze
and immediately dropped his pants and shoved his butt into peoples’ faces.
‘D’ya reckon it’ll get infected?’ There were several new faces in the room, and
Scorsese wasted no time in showing them all his back catalogue, while Dick
eagerly explained the “rules” of Dick-to-Face. Not one to be left out, Yeast
Infection decided to regale the newbies with tales of his various sexual
exploits. ‘Yeah. There was this one chick in the Indian Ocean. She was loving
it, but salty water stings like a bitch, ya know?’ On that note, our group
headed to Narnia, doggedly avoiding Javier who seemed eager to come.
And that was Kraków. Only one other
thing of note happened before we left. As we were checking out the next
morning, Yeast Infection came swanning past reception wearing nothing but a
towel slung low on his hips. I’m not entirely sure why he bothered with this
piece of modesty as everyone there had already seen everything underneath.
Repeatedly. He came over when he saw us. ‘Where are youse going? Are you guys
leaving?’ Genius.
‘Yeah…we’re off.’
‘Oh! Well come ‘ere then.’ His arms
were outstretched and he was coming closer. I was thoroughly confused. ‘You
weren’t gonna leave without giving us a hug, were you?’ Yeah, actually – we
were. I’m not quite sure when, but sometime between the graphic retelling of
the story which gave birth to his name, and examining the bleeding graze on his
butt under duress, we kind of grew to sort of like each other. So it was a lovely
sentiment. Still, I no-rinse sanitised the shit out of my body afterwards.
Next time: An overnight train takes us to Vienna. Overnight trains are horrible.
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